Tuesday, October 6, 2009


We have so many things that I will share later on about each kid, but I want to introduce each of them and give you an idea of what their personality is like. We had our first boy in 2003. He was named Kyzar. I went in the night before to be induced and during the night he flipped over and was breech the next morning when they broke my water and I had an emergency section. He is my snuggly little man. We would wrap him up in a blanket, head and all from the time he arrived. That is the only way he would get still and rest.
He is 6 now and still wraps up like that to sleep. I went to check on him one night and he had only a sheet around his head. That is just how he is. He thinks with the logic of an adult at times. He over thinks things and processes things on a level we don't even think about. There is no gray areas with him it is only black or white. As to say, all his pecans have to point in the same direction (no, he's not ocd....)
He was very different than what our experience was with our girls, he drove everything around on the floor, with or without wheels, and always made a car noise doing so. Nobody taught him this, he just did it. He would throw things and climb on things and hit things. Definitely ALL BOY!

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